Looking for some good tips for staying encouraged when things aren’t going your way? I’ve got a few of them! People love to encourage themselves during difficult times. Even though it helps to have a shoulder to lean on, sometimes we have to encourage ourselves. Encouraging yourself is an important part of motivation and self-acceptance. Read on to discover some of the most effective ways to encourage yourself during hard times.
1. Be proud of yourself
Whether it’s getting everything done on your to-do list, finishing school, or losing 15 pounds, you should always feel proud of your accomplishments! Self-esteem plays an important role in feeling encouraged. When you have really low self-esteem, it is much easier to be down-and-out.
2. Do good deeds
Sometimes, when we help someone else, it makes us feel much better than if we spent an entire day at the spa! Helping other people can boost your feel-good endorphins and distract you from all those daily worries, thus encouraging you along the way!
3. Listen to your favorite music
Listening to your favorite music is one of the best and easiest ways to encourage yourself. It may be something that pumps you up or something that relaxes you. Music is great! I really like this way of encouraging yourself during hard times, since I can listen to my favorite music almost anywhere, of course, with the help of my earphones!
4. Put up the reminders
Another way to stay encouraged is to put up the reminders in the places you’ll certainly see them. For instance, write the notes and tape them to the fridge door or on your bathroom mirror. I often place the pics of the things I’m aspiring to accomplish on my desk or even fridge.
5. Have a good sense of humor
Having a good sense of humor can help get you through even the hardest days. Don’t allow anything to get you down, no matter how difficult it can be. And don’t be afraid to laugh at a situation or at yourself – a positive mindset never hurt anyone!
6. Lead a healthy lifestyle
If you eat fast food every day, don’t drink enough water, and skate by on minimal sleep, you will never feel as good as a person who gets a full night’s sleep, eats wholesome meals, and exercises on a regular basis. Try to lead a healthy lifestyle and you’ll see a big difference.
7. Write a diary
Writing a diary is not only provides you with an outlet for your thoughts and feelings, but it’s also one of the best ways to judge your personal growth. You will see the progress you have made in certain areas, mistakes you’ve learned from, and how far you have come.
8. Spend more time with those who make you feel good about yourself
If you are really feeling low in spirits, try to spend more time with your parents, your partner and your friends! You don’t have to say them that you are feeling blue, just hanging out together can really encourage you during hard times.
9. Practice gratitude
I know how it’s hard to be thankful for everything you have in your life when everything goes wrong. However, it can actually help you feel better. No matter what’s going on for you right now, be thankful for who you are, what you have and what you don’t have. Realize how lucky you are to be alive. Practicing gratitude will benefit your spirit, mind and body.
10. Be your own best friend
If you don’t have best friends, why not become your own best friend? It’s absolutely okay and there’s nothing wrong with you. You might have a lot of good friends, but you might not have a best friend to talk to. Talk to yourself like you’d talk to your best friend or friend who needed support. Say things like “I believe in you,” “You can do it,” or “You’re strong so you will cope with all your problems.”
11. Prayer
Never under estimate the miracles that comes along with prayer. It goes a long way in lifting your emotional well being. A song writer once said "prayer changes things".
What are your tips for encouraging yourself during hard times?
Share them with us please, and thanks for reading.
Hope, my little tips helped you feel a little better.
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